Memcached in Cloud Web Hosting
Memcached is offered as an upgrade with each cloud web hosting plan that we are offering and if you want to use it for any script-driven website that you host on our innovative cloud platform, you’ll be able to add it in a few easy steps via your Hepsia hosting Control Panel. During the process, you’ll get the option to upgrade two separate things – the instances and the memory. The first one has to do with the number of the websites that can use the Memcached caching system at the same time, so if you need it for several sites, you can get a number of instances. The second one has to do with the total amount of memory that Memcached will be allowed to use in order to cache information, so for numerous websites (or for one single traffic-intensive site), you may want to order more memory for better results. The memory is offered in increments of 16 megabytes and more memory can be ordered at any point. With Memcached, any script-powered Internet site hosted on our servers will open incredibly fast.
Memcached in Semi-dedicated Hosting
You can get the Memcached distributed memory caching system as an upgrade with all our Linux semi-dedicated packages and since it works with any script-driven web application, you can use it for every site that you host on our platform, irrespective of what app you have used – WordPress, Joomla™ or Mambo, a custom-developed one, etc. You can add the upgrade through the corresponding section of the Hepsia Control Panel from which you manage your semi-dedicated account, and you can select two different things – the instances and the amount of system memory that they will use. In other words, these things show how many websites will use Memcached and how much system memory the system will be able to use to store your data. The two things are offered separately for more flexibility and one instance does not come bundled with a fixed amount of system memory. You can make full use of the Memcached system with any sort of website and both you and the website visitors will swiftly note the difference in the performance.
Memcached in Dedicated Web Hosting
Memcached is available free of charge with all Linux dedicated servers hosting packages that we are offering and the only condition is that the server must be ordered with the Hepsia hosting Control Panel. You can use the distributed memory caching system for any database-driven website, including those based on widely used Internet apps – for instance, a WordPress online blog or a Joomla™-powered social network. Each dedicated machine comes with a different amount of system memory that Memcached can employ, but the minimum amount you will get is 3 gigabytes, which is sufficient enough to accelerate the speed of very large sites noticeably, as this memory will be dedicated to storing the cached content. The Memcached system will begin caching information once it is activated, so soon after that, you’ll see the enhanced performance of your sites and the reduced load on the dedicated server. Many sites use Memcached to enhance their effectiveness, including famous ones like Wikipedia and Reddit.