FTP Accounts in Cloud Web Hosting
Setting up and managing numerous FTP accounts will be pretty easy with any of our Linux cloud web hosting packages. This service is not limited, so with our simple-to-use Hepsia Control Panel, you will be able to create as many FTP accounts as you need to administer your sites and to get your web-connected tasks completed. If you hire a web designer and they are done with the website, for example, you can change the FTP password or remove the entire FTP account with only a click from the Control Panel. For convenience’s sake, you will be able to check a list of all the FTP accounts that you’ve set up and what directories they can connect to. Useful functions such as modifying the path or the password and downloading an auto-config file for famous FTP applications are also only one click away.
FTP Accounts in Semi-dedicated Hosting
You’ll be able to connect to your semi-dedicated server account via FTP regardless of the semi-dedicated server plan that you have selected during the registration process, as the FTP access is one of the default features that you will be able to use. All our packages include an unlimited FTP account allowance, so you can create as many FTP accounts as you like from the Hepsia hosting Control Panel with which you’ll be able to manage your website content too. All the accounts will be listed in alphabetical order in the Control Panel and in case you do not need a given account any longer, you can just remove it and stop persons who have used it before from accessing it again. This functionality is especially handy if you use the services of a developer or if an IT expert departs the firm and you do not want them to connect to the website files any longer. An in-depth Help database that contains educational video clips will help you manage your FTP accounts in case you don’t possess prior experience.