The definition of “hosting” does not describe only one service, but several services which offer different functions to a domain address. Having a website and e-mails, as an illustration, are two separate services though in the general case they come together, so many people think of them as one single service. The truth is, every domain name has a several DNS records called A and MX, which show the server that handles each specific service - the former is a numeric IP address, which identifies where the site for the domain name is loaded from, while the second one is an alphanumeric string, which shows the server that handles the e-mails for the domain. As an illustration, an A record can be and an MX record can be Whenever you open a site or send an email, the global DNS servers are contacted to check the name servers that a domain address has and the traffic/message is first directed to that company. When you have custom records on their end, the web browser request or the e-mail will be sent to the correct server. The concept behind working with separate records is that the two services use different web protocols and you can have your site hosted by one provider and the emails by another.

Custom MX and A Records in Cloud Web Hosting

With a cloud web hosting plan from us, you're going to be able to set up or modify the A and MX records of your domain addresses and subdomains easily using our state-of-the-art Hepsia hosting CP. Editing the default records requires two clicks and the setup of a new record takes just a few more clicks, so even if you have never dealt with such matters, you will not experience any issues. We also have an extensive help section that makes things even easier. If you wish to switch your email provider and you have to set up several MX records in addition to the standard 2, you may choose their priority i.e. which record will handle your emails first when someone sends you a message. Normally the new provider is going to tell you what these values should be. With our shared plans, you are going to have full control over your domain names and subdomains and you will be able to manage their A and MX records effortlessly and at any time.

Custom MX and A Records in Semi-dedicated Hosting

With the Linux semi-dedicated packages we provide, you're going to have complete control over the records of all domain addresses and subdomains you add in your hosting account. You can easily check what A and MX records each of them has using the DNS Records section of the Hepsia hosting CP and changing any record requires just a couple of clicks. If you decide to switch your web or e-mail hosting provider, you can update the required record and point your domain address to the other service provider for one of the services, as you still carry on using the other one through us. You could also keep the main domain here, while you change the A record of only one of its subdomains. If you're changing the MX records and you need additional ones on top of the default two that we have, you could create them with ease and set a different priority for every single one.