When you purchase a new website hosting account, your payment is processed, your account is created and as automatic as the whole process may seem, there're always small things that are handled personally. For a virtual or a dedicated server there are even more jobs to be done since these types of hosting normally require a manual setup, software installation & configuration, checking the server environment in order to guarantee that all things are working fine, and so on. To pay for the cost for the time and efforts all of these duties take, a lot of companies require a one-time set-up fee to be paid by their clients on top of the cost for the cloud web hosting. The charge typically applies to every new hosting account being bought and it's very rarely given on the company’s website, but it shows up on the checkout page.

Setup Fee in Cloud Web Hosting

Our cloud web hosting packages don't have any installation charges or any other concealed fees on the whole. When you order an account, we'll process your payment immediately and your account will be created and activated by our system right away. The overall cost that you will have to pay for your hosting plan will be the same everywhere - on the front, order and payment pages, and you won't notice or have to pay anything further than that price at any time. That is valid even if you acquire multiple accounts because it is our principle that building trust is far more important than gaining a few more dollars. The account activation is immediate, thus you will be able to go ahead and start setting up your sites straight away.

Setup Fee in Semi-dedicated Hosting

When you order a semi-dedicated server plan from us, your original payment will be exactly the same as all renewal payments for the following months. We do not have any setup charges, or any obscured costs of any sort, for that matter. We value a business relationship based on mutual trust more than some extra dollars, which means that even if you have a shared web hosting plan here and you wish to transfer all of your content to a new semi-dedicated server, in order to acquire a more powerful web hosting solution, we'll do everything for you at no additional cost except for the standard monthly cost for the new package. The creation of a semi-dedicated account is nearly completely automatic, that's why we think that charging you something for that wouldn't be justified.

Setup Fee in Dedicated Web Hosting

When you obtain a dedicated server through our company, we shall set up the machine absolutely free. The price that you can see and pay is exactly the same on our website, on the payment page and on your bank statement, also the total amount you'll pay through the registration will be the same as the one you'll pay to renew your package in the future. We will provide you with a ready-to-use server, which is built and tried, and which comes with all the necessary software in advance - Operating System, web server, MySQL, FTP, and hosting Control Panel when you have chosen one throughout the registration, but all of these duties are done absolutely free. We will even move all your info without extra fee when you obtain your dedicated server with our Hepsia Control Panel and you already have an ordinary shared hosting package from our company.